📣 appYuser INSIGHT raises €1.5M to revolutionize the digital performance of websites ➡

Increase Your Digital Results Now!
Discover the real impact and benefits of web performance on your business results.

appYuser is a unique solution on the market that provides a concrete quantification of losses due to poor digital experiences, as well as the potential gains to be made through performance optimization.

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gains perf web

Exhaustive monitoring of web performance and all your visitors’ digital experience.

+100% Average gains on digital outputs

Conversion rate – Bounce rate – Bookings – Registrations

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) and its benefits finally affordable to all
(from 129€/month)
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AI Insights: 100% traffic and context analysis

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Greater productivity: prioritizing Web projects

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Evaluate gains and losses related to web performance and digital exp.

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appYdex: one single index for easy measurement

5-minute deployment - Free for 21 days - Cookie-free
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Taux de rebond en fonction de l'experience digitale
Discover your REAL Bounce Rate

Your bounce rate is influenced by two factors:

1️⃣ Web performance (see opposite)

2️⃣ The relevance of your content to your audience

When analyzing your bounce rate on content topics, it’s essential to refer to the rate measured when web performance is optimal.

appYuser quantifies lost sessions due to non-optimized experiences.

See the solution in action in our video


Evaluate the potential gains on conversions

You probably know your overall conversion rate.

But do you know your conversion rates according to the digital exp. offered to your visitors 🧐 ?

appYuser helps you to understand how your web performance influences your digital results and lost revenue.

On average, our customers see a +27% increase in their results 📈 after just 2 months of using appYuser.

Taux de conversions en fonction de l'experience digitale
Monitoring experience digitale
Exhaustive Monitoring

Monitor 🔍 the digital experience of 100% of your visitors, and therefore the real feeling of your audience, according to :

  • pages visited
  • devices used
  • OS used
  • browser
  • and many other parameters.

Analyze your customer journeys, the pages that generate the most exits and/or bounces, click rages and much more.

appYuser Benefits
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Improve website performance

Reduce troubleshooting time
Improve user satisfaction
Improve your SEO (Core Web Vitals)
Increase your conversions

Whether you’re a Start-up, SME or major corporation, our solution is tailored to your own challenges.

Unleash your website's full potential

appYuser is a unique solution designed to measure digital experiences, thanks to its appYdex indicator which evaluates the digital experience. It’s a “real end-user monitoring” RUM solution, 100% of traffic is analyzed. You’ll be able to identify problems according to user usage and context, and quickly pinpoint the source of problems. appYuser is usually a complementary tool to dedicated IT solutions. Control the quality of your site as perceived by your traffic.

appYuser is a passive monitoring solution, which means it evaluates the behaviors and problems encountered by Internet users on their end devices. It’s a solution that doesn’t use probes or robots: you measure real traffic and the real experiences of your web users in real life.

Measuring the digital experience of customers and web users provides a shared measurement indicator between marketing, IT and management teams. It’s a way of measuring common objectives, and enhancing and improving the effectiveness of everyone’s work.

appYuser can be deployed in less than 5 minutes (non-intrusive, cookie-free tag). Data collection starts instantly, and it takes just a few days to identify the first areas for improvement. Gain in crisis reduction time (+700% on average), gain in web performance (>100%), gain in conversions (+27%)…

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© 2024 appYuser – Tous droits réservés.

 appYuser INSIGHT – 8 rue Louis Courtois de Viçose – 31100 Toulouse