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For Digital Marketing Teams


Optimize your site’s web performance to provide seamless digital experiences to your visitors and maximize the impact of your marketing efforts.

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Boost your conversion rates while optimizing your users' digital experience

Your website should offer a seamless, friction-free digital experience to all of your visitors. appYuser helps you measure and optimize the quality of this experience for your entire audience… And dramatically boost your conversion rates!
> Discover all appYuser features

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Digital Experience: Speed that matters to your visitors

Display speed is a key factor in your website's success. But each tenth of a second you save on loading time has a different impact, depending on how users experience your pages... Moreover, this experience can change radically according to the context of each session (location, device used, type of connection, etc.)! appYuser accurately measures the real digital experience of each of your visitors, and provides you with this information in real time, effortlessly.

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Control the impact of your activities on web performance

Adding new pages, new features, etc. Many of your day-to-day marketing actions can seriously impact your web performance and the digital experience of your visitors. With appYuser, detect any degradation in real time and take corrective action without delay.

Lead your dialog with IT teams & technical service providers

Stop relying exclusively on technical feedback. appYuser helps you focus exchanges with your IT teams and service providers on metrics that best correlate with user experience and conversion rates.

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Don't get lost in the jungle of web page speed indicators! With appYdex, appYuser provides you with one of the most relevant metrics for evaluating your visitors' real digital experience, as well as proven technology for collecting field data on your entire audience.

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100% of your audience under control real-time and effortlessly

appYuser brings you the power of RUM to monitor the digital experience of ALL your visitors, delivering 100% actionable information with no need for technical experts. A customizable alert system and even AI modules are at your disposal to maximize your responsiveness!

NEW! Measure the environmental impact of your digital marketing

Improve your online business model’s sustainability while gaining a new competitive advantage! appYuser is the only tool that combines digital experience optimization and website environmental impact reduction.
Discover appYplanet, the exclusive tool developed by appYuser to comprehensively measure your website’s real impact on the environment.

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