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Control the environmental impact of your website

Measure all your website's environmental impacts with unprecedented accuracy, effortlessly. Reduce your environmental footprint. Communicate your ecological performance to your users. Anticipate future regulations.

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A unique CSR solution

Optimizing your website's environmental footprint

The appYplanet module enables you to achieve a greater level of control over your environmental impact than ever before. Based on Real User Monitoring technology and the latest ecological performance evaluation standards, appYplanet is the only solution on the market to deliver an assessment of your website’s overall impact. This is achieved through easy-to-analyze indicators, designed to report on all environmental impacts. The aim: to provide all website managers with the ideal tool for balancing technical, business and ecological performance!

appYuser for IT

Improve the environmental impact of your web applications and infrastructures. Reduce the cost of maintaining them by adapting optimal scaling.

appYuser for Marketing

Take advantage of the synergies between reducing your ecological footprint and improving your web performance to boost your UX and conversion rates. Highlight your efforts to deliver a sustainable site.

appYuser for Operations

Easily manage your ecological performance. Meet your customers’ growing expectations and anticipate the emergence of new regulations to reduce environmental impact.

Environmental impact measurement made easy


100% of your traffic analyzed (RUM)


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No skill

Easily measure the 16 criteria required by the EU:
Critères PEF
Discover your PEF score (Product Environmental Footprint),
the standard indicator for environmental impact.
Score PEF



Stop being passive when it comes to environmental issues. (Re)commit your company to a virtuous approach and start educating and engaging your visitors now!

70% of online shoppers say they prefer sites with an eco-responsible approach (source KPMG).

f bordage 3

A unique tool on the market!

appYplanet makes it possible to massify and industrialize the quantification of the environmental impact of websites, without requiring the integration of technical bricks. This ease of use, combined with the fact that appYplanet is one of only two tools to date to comply with the recommendations of Ademe and the European Commission, makes it unique on the market.

appYplanet makes it easy to identify which pages or URLs have the largest impact. It's a springboard for ecodesign of online services. And every modification will be taken into account and evaluated by the tool.

As an independent expert, I strongly recommend the use of this tool to prepare for the arrival of environmental reporting for websites. appYplanet is perfect for effortlessly updating your site's environmental declaration on a regular basis.

Frédéric Bordage

Green IT Founder

d marroncle

Managing the digital experience with a green edge!

We developed the appYplanet indicator with the conviction that it wouldn't be just another constraint for digital managers, but a major, virtuous asset. We can improve our customers' online experiences and boost conversions while reducing the environmental impact of websites.

One of the main rules for optimizing technical performance is to develop functions without frills, and to go straight to the essentials. It's on the basis of these principles that we'll limit the impact of digital technology on the planet, and enjoy surfing the web fast and clean.

David Marroncle

CEO appYuser | appYplanet

appyPlanet, founded on the best business expertise

With the support of

To design appYplanet, appYuser relied on the expertise of Europe’s leading specialists in digital sustainability, such as Resilio, a startup accelerated by EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and the result of a collaboration between GreenIT.fr and Zero Emission Group. The result is a new environmental performance indicator that meets the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) standard.